Brand X complements the sporting pursuits of young people, the programme is designed to work alongside their chosen sport(s) to ensure longevity of their bodies and injury prevention.

 Base Build Boost

The focus on motor pattern training and physical literacy enhancement optimises kids’ fitness and elevates their athleticism. We help protect kids and teens against sports injury, boost their sports performance, and push back against the forces behind obesity.

We recommend that kids have a development programme in place to complement their sports and day-to-day activities to ensure they are moving and conditioned for any challenge. Take a teenager playing rugby who is a keen gamer, sitting at a computer for hours can cause their shoulders to internally rotate and be a weak position. Repetitive impacts to the shoulder in this position will result in injuries such as dislocation, or labrum tears. We can help. Take a 10 year old Dancer who is extremely flexible. Repetitive moves in these stressed positions requires strong joints to protect against injuries. We can help. Take a 5 year old who is football mad; repetitive impacts with the ground requires strong joints to protect against injuries around the ankles and knees. We can help.

At Unity Gym we our offering a programme for kids from 3-17 years old. This is spilt into 3 programmes depending on chronological, training and biological age of the kids.

We would love to invite you and your children to drop in for a free session at our facility in the centre of Newcastle to experience a session and understand more about what we will be offering.

Fill in the form below for more information on the youth programme design and for a call back to get your kid(s) registered

Explore, for 3 to 7 year olds, will run from 10.30 to 11.30 on Saturdays.
Express for 8 to 12 year olds, will run from 11.30 to 12.30 on Saturdays.
Excel for 13 to 17 year olds, will run from 16.30 to 17.30 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

The Brand X course, empowering young people…

On completion of the Brand X course, it is clear that play and exploration are a top priority for the kids class, we do this with our adults and they love it!

We want to create a space for young people to come and play, to be challenged, to fail, to excel, and to confidently approach any challenge in the future and have the toolbox to smash through them. 

We see this time and time again from adults coming into our space…

Spending years in front of a desk or “Globo Gym”, for example and through no fault of their own.

A few sessions to understand fundamental movements and breathing techniques, coupled with some specific exercises depending on their work ons goes a long way to the longevity of their body and ability to increase intensity in our gym.

We want to have a space for young people to come and learn how to move properly before society and 9-5 takes over!

Want more information?

Enter your details to gain access to a document which shares more of the benefits and advantages to having young people enrolled on a certified Brand X course.